Dear friends, well-wishers and all those who support our cause, I am so proud and happy to be part of this trust which is in its 20th year now!
Over the years we have been able to continue our Mission to Improve Quality of Life in patients suffering from chronic diseases like cancer – thanks to Teamwork and all those who have been giving generously – without which we could not have achieved so much. We have touched 1000s of patients’ and their families’ lives through palliative care, relieving their suffering and bringing back the smile to their faces. In our endeavour to achieve our Vision of delivering palliative care at the community level, we have been imparting education in palliative care periodically, to all health care professionals – doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and volunteers. Our interaction with the Health Department of the State, special reference to National Health Mission, has helped develop palliative care services in all the 32 district hospitals! We still have a long way togo.
Heartfelt and sincere thanks to all our volunteers who help regularly to spread awareness among the public and to our donors without whom we will not be where we are now! Please read on …………………
– Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan
Collaboration with National Health Mission (NHM)
On 4th November 2019 Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan was invited as one of the mentors for “The National Programme for Palliative Care” – A Review conducted by National Health Mission (NHM) and World Health Organization (WHO) India. Doctors from 28 states of India had participated. Each state was given an opportunity to share their progress in palliative care as a poster presentation.

NHM and World Health Organisation (WHO) India
On 4th November 2019 Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan was invited as one of the mentors for “The National Programme for Palliative Care” – A Review conducted by National Health Mission (NHM) and World Health Organization (WHO) India. Doctors from 28 states of India had participated. Each state was given an opportunity to share their progress in palliative care as a poster presentation.
Educational Activities
Training volunteers in the basics of palliative care helps form a network to support patients and create awareness. We successfully trained two batches of volunteers, one in November 2019 and one in March 2020 in a 3 – day programme.
Students of B.Sc. Psychology, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai are ever enthusiastic to learn their subject in the background of palliative care needs in patients. We get students through the year. This time, 4 students completed their internship training with us, out of which two did a 30-hours Case study from November 2019 to February 2020.
On 25 September 2019, we conducted a workshop for PG nursing students from Madras Medical College at Lakshmi Pain and Palliative Care Trust premises.
Other Educational Programmes we were involved in: Dr. Mallika and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi addressed 60 Nurses at Madras Medical Mission on “Concept of Palliative Care” and “Communication Skills”, 20 June 2019. Dr. Mallika addressed PGs in Family Medicine on ‘Overview of Palliative Care’ at Railway Hospital, Perambur 10 June 2019. August 2019, she was invited as guest faculty to give an orientation lecture to students at MSSW.
Two students of M.A. Applied psychology (with specialization in clinical psychology), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health (BALM), Chennai, interned at our clinic, under the guidance of Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi for 11days in the first semester – August to October – and 30 days in Semester II from November to March(2019-2020).
Our commitment with the Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC) since 2006
We are certified by the Indian Association of Palliative Care to conduct ‘Essentials of Palliative Care’ – A certificate course for doctors and nurses conducted twice a year in June and November. It is an 8-week distant learning course with 3 – days contact classes.
The contact session for the November batch 2019 was held at Lakshmi Pain and Palliative Care Trust – 29th November and 1st December 2019. Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan, Dr. Subathra Muthukumaran and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi were the faculty. Dr. Meenakshi from Adyar Cancer Institute was the invited faculty. 6 candidates had enrolled.
Public Awareness Programmes conducted
Volunteers are our backbone when it comes to spreading the message of palliative care for the benefit of the public!
25 September 2019 – Volunteers were also involved long with Dr. Mallika and Dr. Senthil who were invited by Mr. B. Senthilkumar, of Mobile Tutors Pvt. td., to give guest lectures on “Cancer and Palliative Care” to all the employees.
‘World Hospice and Palliative Care Day’ (WHPCD) is observed every October worldwide. This day is an opportunity to spread awareness of palliative care. In view of this day, Volunteers conducted an Awareness Session at Adambakkam on 12 October 2019 by interacting with the MagalirKuzhuteam from that locality.
Another set of volunteers, on the same day, conducted an awareness programme at Lanson Toyota, Chennai. Dr. Mallika gave an introduction about ‘The Concept of Palliative Care’. Volunteers addressed two batches of (Toyota) employees, Back office and Managers, respectively. They taught through power-point presentation with great confidence and enthusiasm!